Bathmate Before and After: The Results with My Routine! (2024)

Bathmate Before and After: The Results with My Routine! (2)

After I’ve used Bathmate for 6 months, I’ve decided to write this review and share my Bathmate results with you all. I’m even going to share my system to get the best results possible with it.

Before we got started, I bought mine from the official website. So without further ado, here is my Bathmate review.

Warning! This is my real story, and it’s a little long.

What the hell did I do?! Why did I tell her I was 7 inches? I’ve gone and done it now. Maybe I could just send her a message and tell her I was just kidding. No, because then I would look like a liar.

You see, me and a group of old school friends were planning a trip to Ibiza for the summer, and this new girl was coming with us. She was hot and blonde, and she started messaging me online.

Well, one thing led to another, and the messages started heating up, and my dumbass told her that I was 7 inches. And she was like, “Ooh, that’s big; I can’t wait to see”. As soon as I hit the send button, I realized what a moron I had been.

The truth is that I was barely 5.5 inches long. And now I was going to look like a fool. Maybe I could cancel the trip. No, because I had already paid.

So I did what any self-respecting man would have done. I Googled “penis enlargement”.

What I found was a bunch of obvious scams. But then I found this one post on some forum by what looked like a real person recommending something called the Bathmate.

Bathmate Before and After: The Results with My Routine! (3)

I was skeptical, but the forum post did look real, so for the next few hours, I did a lot of research. I read every single review I could find. And to be honest, I was hooked.

I found all kinds of pictures. I started to feel hopeful that I was on the right track. I even found one guy who was sharing the system he had been using to gain penis size.

I had always been led to believe that there was nothing you could do to change the size of your penis.

So I wasn’t sure what to believe. Then, out of nowhere, I remembered this quote.

Bathmate Before and After: The Results with My Routine! (4)

It’s a quote by a guy called Paul Arden, and it’s a quote that has stuck with me ever since I heard it. I even have it printed out next to my computer. You get to decide who you choose to be.

If there was a chance that the Bathmate worked, then I needed to buy it because if I were ever to increase the size of my penis, then buying the Bathmate was the decision that was going to get me there.

So I ordered the Bathmate, and it arrived surprisingly fast. I opened it up to find something that felt really well-made.

It didn’t feel like some Chinese factory-made crap. I still had a good 6 months until the trip to Ibiza, so there was still time.

Remember earlier when I said that some guy had shared his system? Well, I took that system and made it better!

I’m an impatient kind of guy, so I decided to get started with the system right away. I took the Bathmate into the bathroom and put it on.

It’s simple to use. You just pour some warm water into it and then put your penis inside.

Then you just pump out the water a few times, and you can really feel your penis expanding inside the tube. I was excited to see what the Bathmate could do, so I released the pressure and took it off.

Well, I almost fell on my ass because my penis looked so big. You know what it’s like just after you cum and your penis is starting to go soft, but for a little while, it looks like you’ve got a big floppy dick?

Well, that’s what it’s like after you use the Bathmate only bigger. Since the day it arrived, I have stuck to the Bathmate system. Failure wasn’t an option.

6 months later

It was the day before the trip to Ibiza, and I awoke with a huge smile on my face.

Do you know why? Because after 6 months of following my system, I had gained almost 1.5 inches. Yep, I did it!

I’m going to share my Bathmate system with you in a minute, but first, let me just give you a quick update on the Ibiza trip.

The blonde was smoking hot and very up for it! She was way hotter than any girl I had ever been with before.

You could say that she was out of my league. But for some reason, she was into me.

We had sex four times on the trip, and it was amazing. Thanks to the Bathmate my penis was huge compared to before, and I started getting rock-hard erections.

I also realized that I was lasting a long time during sex, and 3 of the 4 times I made her cum first because I was lasting longer. And I also found that I was cumming a lot more.

I mean at least 10 squirts, which made for some of the best org*sms I ever felt. In short, I felt like a stud, and it’s all thanks to the Bathmate.

Oh yeah, and since I got back from the trip, I got a message from the blonde saying that she had a great time and she couldn’t wait for next time.

Life is starting to get a little more interesting! If it’s your goal to increase the size of your penis with confidence, then you need to take action.

Get Yours From The Official Website.

What I’m about to share with you is the exact system that I followed. I believe it’s because I followed a system like this that I was able to get such good results.

Now the truth is that you can use the Bathmate right out of the box and find that it makes your penis look huge. But if you want more than just a temporary pump and would like to really gain some permanent length and girth, then follow this routine. Here’s it:

  • Use the Bathmate for 10–15 minutes while 75%+ is erect.
  • Then do 200+ jelqs.
  • Then put the Bathmate back on for another 5 minutes.

After a month or so, try and work your way up to 500 jelqs per session. I recommend doing this routine every day and taking every fourth day off.

Don’t forget to take the supplements. I wouldn’t say the supplements are necessary, but I think they help.

And lastly, I haven’t used it myself, but I’ve read a lot of positive reviews from guys who have combined the Bathmate with Jelqing and the Phallosan Forte extender.

The Bathmate is brilliant. You can use it before you go out on a date to make your penis look bigger for the night. Or you can follow my system, and it’ll take a few months, but you’ll start to make permanent gains.

Bathmate Before and After: The Results with My Routine! (5)

So, I’ve racked my brains, and here’s “the bad stuff” about the Bathmate.

Dedication. If you’re like me and you want some permanent results, then you need to dedicate yourself to sticking to a schedule. Before I bought the Bathmate showers would take me 5 minutes. I’d be in there, have a quick wash, and be done. So sometimes it was a bit of a hassle having to sit there for 15–20 minutes following a routine.

Cleaning. If you don’t clean it often, it will start to get bacteria and grime, so you’ll need to make sure you give it a good scrub once a week.

Red dots. I found that if I don’t do the 5-minute light warm-up and if I use it with too much pressure, I will get lots of these little red dots, which look horrible. It takes a few days for them to go away, too. I found I could avoid this by warming up and not using too much pressure when I’m using it.

Watery sperm (sometimes). If I use the Bathmate for longer than 20 minutes, I find that when I ejacul*te, my sperm becomes a lot thinner and feels slightly watery. After doing some research, I discovered that your brain sees the use of the Bathmate as a prolonged love-making session, so it releases more prostatic fluid.

If you sit there and use it for longer than 20 minutes, this prostatic fluid will build and build, so when you org*sm, you will cum a lot, but it will be very thin and watery. On one hand, it feels great and there’s nothing to worry about, but if you don’t want your cum to look watery, you can avoid this by not using the Bathmate for too long.

You need to shave often. Unless you shave off your pubes, you’ll probably find that the Bathmate tends to slip off. So you need to be smooth for the pump to get a good grip.

It’s comfortable to wear and well-made. I find it feels very snug to wear and actually feels quite good. As long as you don’t pump too hard, you won’t feel any pain and will also think it’s very well-designed and made.

I’ve seen some other pumps in the past that felt cheap and flimsy, but the Bathmate feels strong, so it should last forever.

Your penis will look bigger immediately. From the very first time you try it, you will take it off, and I guarantee you will be surprised at how much bigger you look. The effects will only last about 12–24 hours, but it feels great to see it working so fast.

Permanent increase in length and girth. After just one use, you will look bigger, but you will find that the effects only last less than a day. But if you stick to a routine and use it regularly, you can make some real, permanent gains.

However, when I say permanent, I believe the effects are similar to those of bodybuilding. I.e., use it or lose it. The Bathmate is pretty much like exercise, so after you have reached your goals, just like with bodybuilding, you should continue to exercise to maintain your results.

I read that after you’ve reached your goals, you should use the Bathmate 2–3 times per week, but it won’t matter if you skip a session now and again.

Fair price. The Bathmate has turned my life around completely and helped me gain confidence, so I believe that for what it does, the price is very fair and pretty cheap. To be honest, now that I know it works, I would gladly pay $1,000 for it.

Last longer. Because you’re doing all of this exercise, you’re strengthening your penis, and you’ll find that you have more control over when you cum. This means you can last longer and have more fun.

Harder. After a few months of using the Bathmate, you’ll find that you start to get rock-hard erections.

Easy to use. It’s very easy to use; you don’t even really need any instructions.

Safe. As long as you do a light 5-minute warm-up and don’t pump too hard, the Bathmate is completely safe to use.

Boosts your confidence. It’s amazing how much more confidence you gain, especially in the bedroom. You will really feel different, and life will become a lot more fun.

Impress women. It’s one of the best feelings in the world when you get a woman in bed and she compliments the size of your penis.

60-day money-back guarantee: The official website has a 60-day money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the product.

You don’t need to buy anything else. Apart from the Bathmate, you don’t really need anything else, apart from maybe an extender, which is not necessary.

So those are the pros and cons of the Bathmate that I can think of.

Overall, I think it’s a great product, and even though there are some cons, they’re not that bad, and you won’t be disappointed if you do decide to get yourself one.

If you’ve looked on the official website you know that there are quite a few Bathmate pumps for sale.

The Hydro7 is the first original model in the Bathmate series. It was launched in 2006 and is currently sold in over 90 countries around the world, where users are extremely satisfied with the results.

Hydro7 is made to meet the needs of the majority of users and is best suited for penises that are 5 to 7 inches long when fully erect. It’s an effective penis pump, ideal for those who are just starting and are satisfied with the basic results. Hydro7 costs $120. Hydro7 pump is available here.

The Hydro7 is quite old now, so most guys are using the Hydromax series.

The Hydromax series is the one you need if you’re looking for a hydro pump with greater power. 35% more power is available in the Hydromax series than in the original model. It means that you will be able to enjoy the advantages like never before.

More than 92% of Hydromax users are satisfied with the pump’s performance, with users reporting a significant increase in penis size as well as improved quality of erection and sexual performance. Over one million Hydromax penis pumps have been sold so far, making it the most popular series from Bathmate.

There are five different Hydromax pumps to choose from, depending on your specific needs. It is suitable for men with a penis measuring between 3 and 9 inches in length. The Hydromax costs between $140 and $210. Hydromax is available here.

The HydroXtreme series has a little bit more pumping power and comes with a hand nozzle to make pumping easier.

If you have the money and want to make life a little bit easier, then you should take a look at the HydroXtreme series, as I’ve heard that the hand pump is very easy to use. But for me, the Hydromax works great, and I can do without the hand pump.

HydroXtreme is for more advanced users who want maximum results. Beginners should use this hydro pump with caution at a pressure suited to their comfort level.

There are six different HydroXtreme pumps, so you can choose the one that meets your needs. It is suitable for those with a penis measuring between 3 and 11 inches in length. The cost of the HydroXtreme is between $220 and $350. HydroXtreme is available here.

There are some other options available in the world of penis growth, but in my opinion, Bathmate is the best. Here are some of your other options and how they compare:

Extenders: Extenders stretch your penis, and they’re also proven to work. They’re better for length gains, and a lot of guys are now combining extenders with the Bathmate pump as part of their routine.

The best extender at the moment is the Phallosan Forte, which is available here. Here’s what one guy has to say about extenders:

“My routine for the last year has been to wear Phallosan Forte for 8 hours per day, then before bed use the Bathmate for 15 minutes, and then jelq for 5–10 minutes. My starting size was 5.8 inches; now, after 6 months, I measure 7.9 inches! I was also very skeptical to begin with, like a lot of guys, but I can honestly say that this stuff really works.”


The average user after 6 months of using an extender seems to gain between 1–3 inches, so if I had to choose, I would go for the pump over the extender because I know it works, but as you can see from Joe’s review, they make a good combination.

Pills: Over the last few months, I’ve tried a few of the top-rated penis growth pills, and none of them increased my size, but there was a good one called Male Extra that I found gave me rock-hard erections after I started taking it. It’s available here.

Surgery: Well, surgery kind of works, but it’s expensive and it’s dangerous, so my advice is to avoid it because it’s not necessary when you have stuff like the Bathmate and jelqing, which are proven to work. The only benefit of surgery is that it works fast, but it may also destroy your penis.

What is the Bathmate, and how does it work?

It’s a water-based penis pump designed to increase the size of your penis using suction, with the water being used as a cushion.

Water pumps are a lot safer than air pumps. It works by using suction to expand your penis inside the tube. Basically, after you put it on, you pump out some of the water, which forces your penis to expand.

This will give an immediate size increase to your penis and, over time, will give you permanent results.

Should I do a warm-up?

Check out my routine above. For the first 5 minutes, I use the Bathmate lightly as a warm-up.

I think it’s good to do a light warm-up like this to reduce any risk of injury.

Is the Bathmate safe to use?

So far, I’ve had no injuries or any negative side effects. I haven’t read about anyone else injuring themselves with it either. If it starts to hurt when you’re using it, then just release the pressure a little bit.

Do I use it when I’m erect or soft?

I find it best to use it when you’re 80% erect. Not fully erect, but still hard.

How many inches can I gain?

Using the routine I posted above, I gained almost 1.5 inches in 6 months.

How long does it take to see results?

You will see a big difference from day 1. After you use it, your penis will look a lot bigger than before, and the effects will last between 12 and 24 hours.

To make permanent gains, you need to be patient. But it’s cool that you get to see a difference right away, and it will motivate you to want to continue using it to get some permanent results.

Will the results be permanent?

If you just use the Bathmate now and then, your results won’t be permanent and will only last 12–24 hours, but if you stick to a routine and use it often, then after a while you will start to gain some permanent results.

However, I believe the results will be similar to bodybuilding, i.e., use it or you’ll eventually lose it.

This is why they recommend that after you’ve reached your goals, you continue to use it 2–3 times per week lightly to “cement” your gains.

Can I use it in the shower?

You can use it in the bath or the shower.

Should I just use the Bathmate alone?

Before I bought mine, I did a lot of research and read tons of reviews and posts, and all of the guys posting good results had one thing in common.

They all used the Bathmate as part of a “system”.

I posted my system above, and I know this routine works. I think it’s a solid routine, so give it a try.

I like that you can see it working the first time you use it, and as I’ve discovered, if you use it regularly and stick to some kind of routine, then before long you will gain some actual size. Whether you’re looking for a quick pump before a date or you want to make some permanent gains, all I can say is that you’ve got to give the Bathmate a try because it works.

It’s made me feel much more confident around women, and my sexual life is so much more fun now.

It may take a few months for you to gain an inch, and it might even take a year or longer if your goal is to gain more than an inch, but trust me, it’s worth the effort.

So yes, I do recommend it. It works, and I believe it’s worth every penny.

So, by now, you can probably tell that I’m a big fan of this product because it worked so well for me, and I think it’ll work for you too. When I started my whole penis enlargement journey, I had a lot of doubts, but I stuck with it and was able to completely turn my life around and gain a huge amount of confidence.

If you can just follow the system, then you will be amazed at the results you start to see and at just how much more confidence you start to gain as your sex life becomes a million times better.

<<<Click Here to Visit the Official Site of Bathmate>>>

Bathmate Before and After: The Results with My Routine! (2024)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.