Goddess of Victory: Nikke Advise Guide (2024)

Goddess of Victory: Nikke Advise Guide

  • By Aera Star
  • Jan 15

Goddess of Victory: Nikke Advise Guide

Fancy running around as hot, gun bearing anime girls? Well, that's in part what the mobile gacha game, Goddess of Victory: Nikke is about (maybe the whole point, even though the story is actually quite deep).

As the Commander of these gunner girls, raising your attraction with your Nikke has perks that you don't want to miss out on. Your bond with your Nikke not only raises their stats for combat, but it also unlocks new special episodes where upon completion, you can earn gems.

Goddess of Victory: Nikke Advise Guide (1)

You can raise your attraction by using the Advise feature. In this feature, you have a daily limit of talking to specific Nikke and answering questions they give you. The correct answer will give you +100bond points, while the other answer will give you only +50 bondpoints.

Here is also where you can gift you Nikke to raise your attraction with them as well, certain gifts giving even more bond points when given to Nikke that meet the particular gift criteria.

Goddess of Victory: Nikke Advise Guide (2)

There are different ways you can access the Advise feature. You can go to the Outpost > Command Center > Advise, or you can go to your Nikke screen and press Advise at the top right of the screen.

The stat boosts you gain from raising your Bond depends on the Rank you achieve, and whether the Nikke is an Attacker, Defender, or Supporter.

The initial maximum rank is 10. Once you Limit Break your Nikke the maximum rank increases. Currently, only Pilgrims can have up to max bond level 40 when at full Limit Break, while other Nikkes are capped at level 30.

So, you can see, it's important to choose which Nikke you want to bond with first, as you are limited to how many Nikke you can interact with per day. There are also a limited number of gifts you can obtain through game, so make sure you maximize the gift potential by giving special criteria gifts to the Nikke that meets that criteria.

You also want to make sure that you pick the right answers to raise the bond with your Nikke faster. Below is a guide to all +100 point Advise answers:

  • Blanc Advise Guide
  • Centi Advise Guide
  • Dolla Advise Guide
  • Isabel Advise Guide
  • Liter Advise Answers
  • Mast Advise Guide
  • Modernia Advise Answers
  • Nero Advise Guide
  • Noir Advise Guide
  • Pepper Advise Answers
  • Privaty Advise Answers
  • Rupee Advise Guide
  • Scarlet Advise Answers
  • Snow White Advise Answers


Nikke: Dolla Advise Answer

Nikke: Centi Advise Answers

Nikke: Rupee Advise Answer

Nikke: Isabel Advise Answers

Nikke: Noir Advise Answers

Nikke: Blanc Advise Answers

Nikke: Mast Advise Answers

Nikke: Nero Advise Answers

Goddess of Victory: Nikke Advise Guide (11)

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Goddess of Victory: Nikke Advise Guide (2024)


What does Advise do in Nikke? ›

Advising is the primary method of increasing a Nikke's Bond level, enhancing their stats and even allowing the player access to special character story episodes.

What is the advice reward in Nikke? ›

The Advise feature allows players to increase their rapport with specific Nikke characters by engaging in daily conversations and providing answers to their questions. Giving the preferred answer results in a gain of +100 bond points, while any other answer yields +50 bond points.

What is the max advice rank in Nikke? ›

Initially, the highest rank attainable is 10, but this limit can be extended through a process called Limit Break. For Pilgrims, the bond level can reach a maximum of 40 after a full Limit Break, whereas other Nikke characters have a maximum level of 30.

Is there pity on Nikke? ›

Goddess of Victory: Nikke has a pity system different from the traditional pity system that exists in the gacha games. Instead of having a pity system where players have to face various odds to obtain a character. Nikke has a spark system that completely overrides this method.

Who is the strongest Nikke? ›

At the very top of the NIKKE tier list, we have Scarlet and Liter, two of the most powerful characters currently available for PvE. While Scarlet is a top unit, she's also a rather high-risk-high-reward type of unit, since you need to have lower HP in order to deal more damage.

Who is the traitor in Nikke? ›

Indivilia is a member of the Heretics, traitor Nikkes who sold out mankind and serve the Rapture Queen. She is one of the many known Heretics alongside Modernia, Nihilister, Liberalio, Anachiro and many more. She has taken the form of a scorpion.

Can you unlock Marian in Nikke? ›

Her gun-reloading animation foreshadows her future: her eyes will glow red whilst reloading her gun. Marian is currently the only SR Nikke in the game who uses a submachine gun as her weapon. Despite being a playable SR Nikke in the tutorial, she is not unlockable as a playable character (at least not in this form).

Why does Sin wear a mask in Nikke? ›

Anis and Neon understandably have their reservations, but Rapi, ever the voice of reason, cites that Sin's mask will keep her from exercising her power, and if any incidents do happen, they can just send her back to the Center. Sin holds out some Splendamin, a present since she's meeting Counters for the first time.

Who is the best SSR character in Nikke? ›

Let's take a look at some of the NIKKE's in this tier:
  • Drake – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Guillotine – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Alice – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Snow White – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Privaty – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Yuni – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Volume – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Emma – SSR Grade NIKKE.
Jan 19, 2024

How to get bond 40 Nikke? ›

By advising Nikke, you can increase your bond level with that Nikke. Bond levels grant extra stats. At 0 limit break, the max bond level is 10 and each limit break unlocks 10 more max bond level, at a maximum rank 30 for non-Pilgrim units and rank 40 for Pilgrim units.

What is the best cube to upgrade in Nikke? ›

Cube Upgrade Priority

It is recommended to at least Level 3 Bastion, Resilience and maybe Wingman first if wanted. Then focus for Resilience level 7 for late game purposes, then level 7 Bastion.

Why is Nikke so popular? ›

Nikke's success can be broken down into four factors: Very strong marketing creative potential due to its graphic nature and enticing-looking core gameplay. Westernized themes and dialogues (while preserving the Eastern aesthetic) with interesting, unique characters.

Is centi good in Nikke? ›

She has some of the highest unconditional burst energy generation in the game, short of shotgunners if they hit at least 8 of their 10 pellets, Harran with her Skill 1 active, or Jackal. This makes her an excellent choice in teams focused around quick burst rotations that need to build energy quickly.

Who is Red Hood in Nikke? ›

Red Hood is a member of the ill-fated Goddess squad led by the Legendary Commander consisting of her, Liliweiss, Dorothy, Rapunzel, Scarlet, and Snow White.

What is the goal of the reroll in Nikke? ›

Hence, the reroll process will be to keep an account till you do 2 10-pulls (total 20 pulls), in which the first is the tutorial 10-pull, and the second 10-pull is after you beat Stage 2-1 in Chapter 2, where we aim for a Pilgrim nikke. Our aim is to get 1-2 Meta Nikkes till this point (Ideally Red Hood or Modernia).


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