Team Compositions | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2024)

Table of Contents

  • Change Log (June):
  • Intro
  • Glossary
  • Explainations
  • F2P Team (For very early Chapters)
  • General Meta Team
  • Specialized Teams
  • Snow White Core Teams
    • Campaign, Iron team
    • Old School Snow White Team
    • Boss Variant Teams (Crown) + Other Variants
    • (Literless Boss Variant / Usual Solo Raid team Variant)
  • Alice Core Teams (Late Game)
    • Alice Infinite Reload Team (Campaign + Boss + Solo Raid Team)
    • Duo Alice Teams
    • Generalist Team
  • A2 Core Teams (Limited Nikke)
    • A2 + Crown/Naga (Campaign + Bosses)
    • Duo Healing Team (Campaign + Bosses)
    • Rem Team (Campaign + Bosses)
    • Generalist Team (Campaign + Bosses)
  • Shotgun Team
    • Tove Shotgun Team
  • Red Hood Core Teams (Meta Late Game Pushing)
    • DPS Playstyle
    • Buffer Playstyle (Campaign Only)
    • Crown + Triple DPS (Generalist Team)
  • Scarlet: Black Shadow Core team (Wind Weak Content)
  • Emilia Core Team (Water Weak Content + Limited Nikke)
  • Scarlet Core Team (Electric Weak Content + Limited Nikke)
  • Off-Meta Teams (In-Progress)
  • Ancient Meta
    • 2B Carry

Change Log (June):

  • Fully Revamped how the page looks/Information is conveyed, this is to make the page easier to update in the future and hopefully easier to read
  • Added new teams
  • Added a new section (Off-Meta Teams) and will need community help for it, comment below~!


If you are new, please first read Team Building 101 and Team Building 102 to have a rough idea of how team building works in this game.

The teams listed here are mostly for Campaign and Tribe Tower. Refer to the Interception guide for team compositions in Interception. Refer to the Arena guide for team compositions in Arena.

It is also recommended to read this article as it explains some terms/nuances mentioned in the article: Manual Play Guide


  1. ATK=Attack
  2. CDR=Cooldown Reduction, CD=Cooldown
  3. BIS=Best in slot
  4. Crit=Critical strike
  5. B1=Burst 1, B2=Burst 2, B3=Burst 3
  6. Burst gen=Burst generation, more burst gen=less time needed to fully fill up burst gauge
  7. CP=Combat Power


x/10 Rating = How well a team does in certain content
x to use = How easy/hard it is to use a team
x Investment = How much investment a team needs to function properly

F2P Team (For very early Chapters)

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3

Burst 3


Summary, 1/10 For Campaign Pushing, Easy to use

This is for people who have absolutely nothing in their accounts. Mostly for learning the absolute basics of the game. For you to learn how the game works, such as needing at least 1 B1, 1 B2 and 1 B3 in a team to activate full burst, and what raptures/enemies are most dangerous and should be cleared first in a certain stage.

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • None

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Rapi – DPS
  • Mihara – Screen Clear
  • Belorta – AoE

Offensive Supports/Utility (B2’s)

  • Anis – Burst Generation
  • N102 – ATK buffs

Gameplay Tips

There is a Nikke that is able to teach you one extremely important thing, that will help the Commander in any team, early or late game. That is Burst generation via Spam shooting.

Skill Investments/ Low Investment

None. It is not recommended to invest in this team.

General Meta Team

These Nikkes can be used in any team composition as they require low investment to work in any scenario.

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3
Red Hood,Modernia


Summary, 9.5/10 for Campaign Pushing, Easy to Use

A hard to go wrong team. This team can blast through most general content while needing low Investments. Has the essentials of every good team

  • Burst generator in the form of Red hood Manual Shot spam
  • Screen clearers being Modernia and to an extent Red Hood
  • Naga and Crown because of amazing offensive synergy with Modernia and Red Hood (Core Damage, Damage up buffs, ATK buffs, Reload Buffs)
  • Cool down reduction, which is vital for almost every Campaign team

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • Liter – Cool down Reduction, ATK buff, cover repair, Other Offensive Buffs

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Red Hood – Oppressive Single target damage, Burst generator, Wave clear
  • Modernia – Off-burst Damage, Oppressive wave clear

Offensive Supports (B2’s)

  • Crown – Multitude of Offensive buffs, Best in slot B2 in almost every team
  • Naga – Excellent core damage buffs, healing, and ATK buffs


Cool Down Reduction (Literless)

  • Volume, Dorothy, D: Killer Wife, Dolla, Helm: Aquamarine

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Scarlet – Instant full screen clear, Off-burst Damage
  • Emilia, A2, Privaty Unkind:Maid, Harran, Kilo – Screen Clear
  • Alice (High Investment, Manual Play Heavy) – Single Target Damage, wave clear,

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • Tia – Discount Crown
  • Blanc/Noir – Substitutes Crown and Naga, Crown Alone should still be better than these duos.
  • N102 – Last resort, burst generation, ATK buff

Notes: If Naga is not available, use another DPS. Preferably a Nikke that does good off burst damage. If Crown is not available, it is recommended to use Naga/Tia or Blanc/Noir if available.

Flex Slots

Situational Units, slot in depending on content/Nikke Availability.

  • Snow white, Maxwell – Boss/Priority Rapture Insta-wipe, Recommended to know burst holding strat
  • Privaty – Enables Infinite ammo, pairs well with Crown + DPS’s with long reload times. Examples being Scarlet, Alice, and Modernia, very potent in early game when Commanders don’t have Overload gear yet. Video here

Gameplay tips

Burst Generation

Burst Generation is important in every team. Luckily Red Hood and Alice can do this rather easily without the aid of a Rocket Launcher.

Crown Tech

Crown wants healing to proc all her buffs, luckily Naga can do this. If all members are max HP, healers will heal the leftmost spot. Put Crown at the most leftmost spot to more consistently proc her buffs

Team Compositions | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (1)

Crown also has an Immunity to damage built in her kit. Crown can gain Skill 2 stacks outside battle prior to final wave by shooting at the air, can proc her skill 2 for a 5 second taunt and immunity, granting much more needed DPS time for the team to burst down boss.

Skill Investments / Low+ Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: Red Hood 7/7/7 -> Modernia 7/5/5 -> Crown 7/7/7 -> Naga 7/5/5 -> Liter 7/5/7
  • Late Game: Red Hood 10/10/10 -> Modernia 10/7/7 -> Crown 10/10/10 -> Naga 10/7/5 -> Liter 10/5/10

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Specialized Teams

Teams that have a core Nikke and usually requires a team built around them. Often requires the core Nikke and/or supports to have high investments.

Snow White Core Teams

Teams involving Snow white requires in-depth understanding of game mechanics. As Snow White teams require good crosshair placement as well as timing her burst right.

Campaign, Iron team

Burst 1
Red Hood,Liter

Burst 2

Burst 3
Snow white


Summary, 8/10 for Campaign Clearing, Hard to Use, Extremely Strong Against Iron Weak

Hard team to use in general, but has very high potential when going against iron weak stages. This team’s specialty is to snipe the target Rapture (Stage Boss) as soon as possible, or target Bronchus Rapture (AoE, uncoverable Rapture, FARTS) before they deal fatal damage to the team, which does happen fast in high CP deficit stages.

  • Very Strong burst potential
  • Burst gen in the form of spam shot Red Hood
  • Core DPS’s are Iron, which means Iron weak content get absolutely demolished, pushes it up to 10/10 at that content
  • Snow White’s burst needs Investment because of her burst scales (very low- High)
  • Very strict team, replacing members would cripple this team quite a bit

Sources to help get an idea of this team (This channel has videos of SW gameplay, just need to find them)

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • Liter – Cool down Reduction, ATK buff, cover repair, Other Offensive Buffs

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Red Hood – Oppressive Single target damage, Burst generator, Wave clear
  • Snow White (Manual Play Heavy) – One shots Elites, Target Rapture

Offensive Supports (B2’s)

  • Crown – Multitude of Offensive buffs, Best in slot B2 in almost every team


Cool Down Reduction (Literless)

  • Volume, Dorothy, D: Killer Wife

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Alice (High Investment, Manual Play Heavy) – Single Target Damage, wave clear, burst generator

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • None

Notes: Liter can be replaced with another B3 off burst DPS (Scarlet, Modernia) or Naga, However this would make this team even HARDER to use, and should only be considered if Snow White can’t do enough damage with her burst (Unlikely)

Flex Slots

Situational Units, slot in depending on content/Nikke Availability.

  • Scarlet – Instant Screen Clear, Off-burst DPS
  • Privaty – Wave Stun, which helps stalling waves, manipulating rapture spawns
  • Naga – More Burst Damage
  • Modernia – Wave Clear, Off-burst DPS

Gameplay tips

Burst Holding is needed to properly play this team, otherwise this team’s viability drops. Example Gameplay Below. Bullet points are:

  • Learning how to hold burst, saving it for target rapture
  • Leave 1 non-threatening Rapture alive to wait out full burst cooldown, since Snow White’s burst can be “held” this allows for 2 DPS bursts to be active at once
  • Most of the time, the harder part for this team is getting to the final wave. Not the final wave itself, and demands a unique playstyle

Skill Investments / Heavy Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: Snow white x/x/7 -> Red Hood 7/7/7 -> Crown 7/7/7 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 7/5/7
  • Late Game: Snow white x/x/10 -> Red Hood 10/10/10 -> Crown 10/10/10 -> Flex 10/7/7 (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 10/5/10

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Old School Snow White Team

Previous Snow white team for campaign. Harder for less pay-off, but is “cheap” in regards to Nikke boxes as Snow white is the only pilgrim.

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3
Snow white

Privaty,Anne: Miracle Fairy

Summary, 5.5/10 for Campaign Clearing, Very Hard to use

Extremely hard team to use, but is relatively “cheap” as the only Pilgrim is Snow White. The player needs to be well versed with game mechanics to be able to pull of this team. It is fun but not quite worth it if the Commander has more options.

  • Snow white and Company needs to make it to final wave while close to no AoE, and mediocre off-burst damage.
  • If burst doesn’t destroy the target rapture, even with a crit core hit, you’re hard stuck if this team is your best team available.
  • Needs to time burst with Yulha buff.

Sources to help:

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • Liter – Cool down Reduction, ATK buff, cover repair, Other Offensive Buffs

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Snow White – One-shot Burst
  • Privaty – Much Needed Stun

Offensive Supports/Utility (B2’s)

  • Yulha – Buffs Snow white’s ATK massively every 30 seconds. Red glow fx will present if buff is active. Check her skill 2
  • Centi – Burst Generator


Cool Down Reduction (Literless)

  • Volume, Dorothy, D: Killer Wife

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Modernia – Wave Clear, Off burst DPS
  • Emilia – Wave clear
  • Scarlet – Off burst DPS

Offensive Supports/Utility (B1/B2)

  • Miranda – Replaces Liter, Makes team EVEN harder
  • Anne: Miracle Fairy – A lot more versatile than Yulha, but is a limited time Nikke, use over Yulha if possible
  • Anis – Basically Centi but SR rarity

Notes: Again, team really hard, but if you like pain and fun without having much Nikkes available to you. Best of wishes

Gameplay tips

Burst Holding is needed to properly play this team, otherwise this team’s viability drops. Example Gameplay Below

Skill Investments / Heavy Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: Snow white x/x/7 -> Liter 7/5/7 -> Yulha -> x/7/x -> Privaty 7/x/x -> Centi 5/5/5
  • Late Game: Snow white x/x/10 -> Liter 10/5/10 -> Yulha x/10/x -> Privaty 10/x/x -> Centi 5/5/5

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Boss Variant Teams (Crown) + Other Variants

Strong and forgiving bossing team. The Commander just needs to learn how to aim shots to hit multiple parts/core.

Make sure Crown is put at the left-most position when running healers to proc her passive skill consistently.

Summary, 8+/10 For Bossing, Mid-Very Hard. 9.5/10 Against bosses with Multiple Tanky Parts

Boss Variant of the Snow White Team. It’s pretty much the same as the Campaign team but needs a sustain if Crown can’t take all the punishment, and more often than not, She will not be able to.

  1. Extremely strong against Iron weak bosses, and more so if the boss has parts to take advantage of
  2. Should have enough sustain against most bosses, especially when timing Crown’s invulnerability + timed taunts
  3. Manual Snow white bursts are heavily recommended to get multiple pierces in if possible

Roles and Replacements + Other Team Variants

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • Liter – Cool down Reduction, ATK buff, cover repair, Other Offensive Buffs

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Red Hood – Burst generator, DPS
  • Snow White – DPS

Offensive Supports (B2’s)

  • Crown – Multitude of Offensive buffs, Best in slot B2 in almost every team
  • Naga – Healing, Offensive Buffs


Cool Down Reduction (Literless)

  • Volume, Dorothy, D: Killer Wife

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Alice (High Investment, Manual Play Heavy) – DPS
  • Ludmilla: Winter Owner – Debuffs, DPS
  • Preferred DPS
  • Modernia IF USING BLANC/NOIR DUO, otherwise, would be a DPS loss due to forced burst timer of 15s

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • Blanc/ Noir Duo – Replaces Crown and Naga. Solo Crown support should be stronger than Blanc/Noir duo if Crown is at least available. If Solo Crown doesn’t have enough sustain, slot in off-burst Healer (Rapunzel, Pepper, Etc)
  • Tia/Naga – Replaces Crown and Naga

Novel Alternative (Harder to use, less pay off too, 6.5/10 for Bosses)

Liter,Novel,Snow white,Helm,Yulha
  • Liter – CDR
  • Novel – Huge Debuff
  • Snow White – DPS
  • Helm – Healer
  • Yulha – Massive ATK boost at x:30 Intervals

Note: The player wants to time Snow white burst and Yulha buff by stalling Snow white’s burst a bit. Snow white wants to burst second at the start of every rotation so it lines up with Yulha’s ATK buff and Snow white’s Crit Rate buff.

Gameplay tips

Nothing much to say in regards to tips with this team. Just make sure to align Snow white’s Crit rate buffs and shots to pierce multiple spots. Example, Harvesters Pierce Spots to hit multiple times are:

Team Compositions | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2)

Same concept for every boss with parts. Some Bosses even have parts that move (Nihilister) and can be taken advantage of, to hit more parts at certain time frames.

Skill Investments / Heavy Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: Snow white x/x/7 -> Red Hood 7/7/7 -> Crown 7/7/7 -> Naga 7/5/5 -> Liter 7/5/7
  • Late Game: Snow white x/x/10 -> Red Hood 10/10/10 -> Crown 10/10/10 -> Naga 10/7/5 -> Liter 10/5/10

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

(Literless Boss Variant / Usual Solo Raid team Variant)

Usually used for solo raids due to not hogging meta Nikkes. “Cheap” as you will, but can also be used in normal campaign clearing and if the Commander doesn’t have any other options.

Burst 1

Burst 2
Dolla,Helm: Aquamarine

Snow white

Burst 3


Summary, 6/10 for Bossing, 5/10 for Campaign Clearing, Hard to Use

A team heavily reliant on timing Yulha (if using Yulha) buff and Snow White Burst. Snow White wants to burst second to consistently align buff with Yulha’s x:30’s ATK buffs.

Team Compositions | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (3)
  • Hard to use, and if the Commander messes up, it heavily reduces DPS. Which can easily happen if the player does not know the grasp of the team.
  • This team is heavily reliant on Crits due to Miranda’s crit nature.

Sources to learn SW team: (More proper boss videos in the future)

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • Dolla – Cooldown reduction, ATK buff
  • Helm: Aquamarine – Iron Weak Raids

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Snow White
  • Yulha/Maxwell – DPS Buffer

Offensive Supports / Utilities

  • Miranda – Offensive Buffs
  • Helm – Healing


Cool Down Reduction (Literless)

  • None

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • None

Offensive Supports / Utilities

  • Noise – Healing, Taunt
  • Rapunzel – Healing, Resurrection

Gameplay tips

Nothing much to say in regards to tips with this team. Just make sure to align Snow white’s Crit rate buffs, Yulha ATK buffs and aim shots to pierce multiple spots. Example, Harvesters Pierce Spots to hit multiple times are:

Team Compositions | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (4)

Same concept for every boss with parts. Some Bosses even have parts that move (Nihilister) and can be taken advantage of, to hit more parts at certain time frames.

Skill Investments / Heavy Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: Snow white x/x/7 -> Yulha 1/7/1 -> Miranda 1/5/7 -> Dolla/Helm Aquamarine Follow Skill Prio Guide -> Helm 5/7/5
  • Late Game: Snow white x/x/10 -> Yulha 1/10/1 -> Miranda 1/7/10 -> Dolla/Helm Aquamarine Follow Skill Prio Guide -> Helm 5/7+/5

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Alice Core Teams (Late Game)

Alice Infinite Reload Team (Campaign + Boss + Solo Raid Team)

Team that is heavily reliant on how fast the Commander can click, and how much carpal tunnel they can endure. Pretty solid team in general. Stronger against fire weak content

Solo raid team is usually: Dorothy, Crown, Alice, Privaty, Scarlet: Black Shadow

Burst 1

Burst 2


Burst 3


Summary, 7+/10 for Campaign Clearing, FINGER BUSTING, Strong against Fire weak

Rev up those fingers, you’re gonna be constantly CLICKING! Crown and Privaty with Resilience cube will automatically reload your bullets instantly during burst. The teams DPS quite literally depends on your capability to click fast and consistently.

  • Finger busting, but can be very strong
  • Completely negates the need of Max ammo Overloads on Alice due to “infinite” ammo
  • Substituting Liter (for volume, Dorothy, or D:killer Wife) is less punishing due to the immense ATK buffs the other supports give already.

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • Liter – Cool down Reduction, ATK buff, cover repair, Other Offensive Buffs

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Alice (High Investment, Manual Play Heavy) – Single Target Damage, wave clear

Offensive Supports (B2’s)

  • Crown – Multitude of Offensive buffs, Best in slot B2 in almost every team
  • Privaty – More reload speed to enable infinite ammo loop


Cool Down Reduction (Literless)

  • Volume, Dorothy, D: Killer Wife

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • None

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • Admi – Not the best substitute for Crown, but can achieve the same “Infinite ammo loop” Crown can do, however with much less buffs

Flex Slots

Situational Units, slot in depending on content/Nikke Availability.

  • Naga – Massively increases core hit damage. Useful for one bursting final wave
  • Modernia – Off-burst damage
  • Scarlet – Emergency full screen clear, Off-burst
  • Emilia – Consistent Screen Clear
  • Red Hood – Single target damage, Burst wave clear
  • Scarlet: Black Shadow – Unique Partner, Scarlet is a very strong unit in low campaign deficit clears, but falls off immensely at higher Deficits. An amazing option in wind weak content depending on overload gear rolls (Elemental Damage rolls)

Gameplay tips

Commander needs to fully manual Alice at all times. Otherwise team’s DPS potential greatly decreases as auto play shoots slower than manual shooting can.


Skill Investments/ Heavy Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: Alice 7/x/7 -> Crown 7/7/7 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Privaty -> 7/x/x -> Liter 7/5/7
  • Late Game: Alice 10/x/10 -> Crown 10/10/10 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 7/5/7 -> Privaty 10/x/x

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Duo Alice Teams

Bread and Butter Duo teams. Reliant on Alice having 3x+ Max Ammo rolls to be able to clear boss waves/elites in one full burst.

Burst 1

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3

Modernia,Red hood

Summary, 8/10 for Campaign Clearing, Hard to Use, Strong Against Fire Weak Content

Very solid team, just needs Heavy Alice investments, and Modernia if applicable. Has wave clear, sufficient damage buffs, and healing if needed. Can be easily used against boss battles as well

  • Strong Single target and Wave clearing potential (If Modernia/Red hood is in flex slot)
  • Tia can abuse Taunt in final wave, giving the team a bit more time to rush down final target. Tia can be “sacrificial lamb” as you might say.
  • Tia’s taunts can be detrimental in some stage fights, Commander needs to figure out how to work around that by manipulating rapture spawns or Manual controlling Tia when possible.

Manipulating Wave spawns example:

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • Liter – Cool down Reduction, ATK buff, cover repair, Other Offensive Buffs

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Alice (High Investment, Manual Play Heavy) – Single Target Damage, wave clear

Offensive Supports (B1/B2’s)

  • Tia/Naga – Amazing Support duo because of the offensive damage buff they can give.


Cool Down Reduction (Literless)

  • Volume, Dorothy, D: Killer Wife

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • None

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • Blanc/Noir – Substitute for Tia/Naga, does everything worse. No reason to use them over Tia/Naga unless no max ammo rolls on Alice at all.
  • Red Hood (B1) – Substitutes Liter IF CDR IS NOT NEEDED. Learn more Here, technically a stronger buffer. Harder to use but not impossible.

Flex Slots

Situational Units, slot in depending on content/Nikke Availability.

  • Modernia – Wave Clear, Off-burst damage
  • Red Hood (B3) – Wave clear, Single target damage burst
  • Maxwell – Charge speed buffer (if not enough Charge speed), Burst Damage
  • Emilia – Wave Clear
  • A2 – Wave Clear

Gameplay tips

Commander needs to fully manual Alice at all times. Otherwise team’s DPS potential greatly decreases as auto play shoots slower than manual shooting can.

Make sure Alice is fully reloaded before entering her burst.

Skill Investments / Heavy Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: Alice 7/x/7 -> Tia 7/x/x -> Naga 7/5/5 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 7/5/7
  • Late Game: Alice x/x/10 -> Tia 10/x/x -> Naga 10/7/7 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 10/5/10

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Generalist Team

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3

Burst 3


Used when options above are simply not available. Centi/Anis aren’t really needed as Alice can burst generate herself, but there are simply no better options if the Commander doesn’t have the burst II’s listed in above teams. The only exception is Yuni due to her charge speed buff that can help if Alice doesn’t have 100% charge speed (lacking overload charge rolls from overloaded gear)

Possible Burst III’s

  • Maxwell – Charge speed buff, Used if Alice doesn’t have enough charge speed instantly charge her shots
  • Scarlet – Off-burst DPS, wave clear burst
  • Modernia – Off-burst DPS , wave clear burst
  • Emilia – Wave clear
  • Privaty: Unkind Maid, Harran, Kilo – Screen Clear burst

A2 Core Teams (Limited Nikke)

A team composition that requires a healer due to how A2 works. Otherwise A2’s effectiveness would go down rather drastically. Very limited effective team comps available due to this restriction. Solid team if the user has the right Nikkes.

A2 + Crown/Naga (Campaign + Bosses)

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3

Burst 3


Summary, 6.5/10 for Campaign Clearing, Easy to Use

Solid team, Heavily Dependant on how raised A2 is to properly push through campaign. Also requires a strong single target damage Nikke to be paired with. Examples being Alice and Red hood. Other Off-DPS’s can be used instead such as Scarlet and Modernia.

  • REQUIRES a healer (non-negotiable), this is due to how A2’s burst works.
  • Limit of this team is easily apparent when reaching levels where A2 simply can’t clear Rapture waves fast enough
  • Final target/elite Raptures will be very hard to deal with if A2 is not paired with a meta single target damage dealer

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • Liter – Cool down Reduction, ATK buff, cover repair, Other Offensive Buffs

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • A2 (Non Negotiable) – Wave clear
  • Red Hood – ST damage, Wave clear

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • Crown – Multitude of Offensive buffs, Best in slot B2 in almost every team
  • Naga – Heals A2’s HP drain. Offensive Buffs


Cool Down Reduction (Literless)

  • Volume, Dorothy, D: Killer Wife

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Alice (Manual Intensive, Heavy Investment) – ST damage, Wave clear
  • Modernia – Wave Clear, Off-burst DPS
  • Scarlet – Off-burst DPS, Wave clear burst
  • Maxwell – Boss/Elite killer, buffer
  • Snow white – Elite/ Boss Killer

Offensive Supports (Flex)

  • Pepper – Substitute for Naga, Simply there to heal. Manual usage is needed to proc her last bullet healing faster or Pepper will not heal enough
  • Rapunzel – Substitute for Naga.

Gameplay tips

Simply just leave A2 on auto, Manual playing her will most likely cause more issues than not. Rather easy team. Just depends on how strong A2 is and who her partner is, if they have strong single target damage.

When using Maxwell or Snow white, Make sure to use the burst hold technique when applicable for the final boss

Skill Investments / Medium Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: A2 7/7/7 -> Crown 7/7/7 -> Naga 5/7/5 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 7/5/7
  • Late Game: A2 10/10/10 -> Crown 10/10/10 -> Naga 5/7+/5 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 10/5/10

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Duo Healing Team (Campaign + Bosses)

Burst 1

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3


Summary, 6/10 for Campaign Clearing, Easy to Use

Solid team, Heavily Dependant on how raised A2 is to properly push through campaign. Also requires a strong single target damage Nikke to be paired with. Examples being Alice and Red hood. Other Off-DPS’s can be used instead such as Scarlet and Modernia.

  • REQUIRES a healer (non-negotiable), this is due to how A2’s burst works.
  • Limit of this team is easily apparent when reaching levels where A2 simply can’t clear Rapture waves fast enough
  • Final target/elite Raptures will be very hard to deal with if A2 is not paired with a meta single target damage dealer

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • Liter – Cool down Reduction, ATK buff, cover repair, Other Offensive Buffs

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • A2 (Non Negotiable) – Wave clear
  • Red Hood – ST damage, Wave clear

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • Tia – Very strong Offensive Buffs
  • Naga – Heals A2’s HP drain. Offensive Buffs


Cool Down Reduction (Literless)

  • Volume, Dorothy, D: Killer Wife

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Alice (Manual Intensive, Heavy Investment) – ST damage, Wave clear
  • Modernia – Wave Clear, Off-burst DPS
  • Scarlet – Off-burst DPS, Wave clear burst
  • Maxwell – Boss/Elite killer, buffer
  • Snow white – Elite/ Boss Killer

Offensive Supports (Flex)

  • Blanc/Noir Duo – Downgrade of Tia/Naga Duo in regards to DPS potential.

Gameplay tips

Simply just leave A2 on auto, Manual playing her will most likely cause more issues than not. Rather easy team. Just depends on how strong A2 is and who her partner is, if they have strong single target damage.

When using Maxwell or Snow white, Make sure to use the burst hold technique when applicable for the final boss

Skill Investments / Medium Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: A2 7/7/7 -> Tia 7/5/5 -> Naga 5/7/5 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 7/5/7
  • Late Game: A2 10/10/10 -> Tia 10/5/5 -> Naga 5/7+/5 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 10/5/10

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Rem Team (Campaign + Bosses)

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3

Burst 3


Summary, 5.5~/10 for Campaign Clearing, Hard to Use

Rem needs to be heavily invested for team to work. This team is also slightly awkward to use. Rem needs to keep attacking Raptures for her healing to take effect, which is simply impossible in some scenarios. This can have A2 drop stacks in some maps due to decreased healing.

  • Team needs to full burst often, and Rem needs to hit raptures consistently to keep her ATK stacks and healing consistent
  • 2 Limited Nikkes from different Collabs, Inaccessible to most people
  • Not that much RL’s outside of Limited Units/Pilgrims that can take advantage of Rem’s RL buffs.
  • Requires Laplace to have her treasure to do meaningful damage

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • Liter – Cool down Reduction, ATK buff, cover repair, Other Offensive Buffs

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • A2 (Non Negotiable) – Wave clear
  • Laplace – AoE Damage, Good ST burst

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • Rem – Healer, DPS, Buffer


Cool Down Reduction (Literless)

  • Volume, Dorothy, D: Killer Wife

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Scarlet: Black Shadow – Amazing Nikke in general, but ATK baed buffs are not that great on her.

Offensive Supports (Flex)

  • None

Flex Slots

Situational Units, slot in depending on content/Nikke Availability. If healing is not consistent enough, the player can slot in a pseudo-healer.

  • Pepper – Manual Control might still be needed to empty out her mag faster/cancel full reloads
  • Rapunzel – Passive healing
  • Marciana (Off-Burst, Last bullet healing) – Just there for passive life steal
  • Alice: Wonderland Bunny – Great off-burst Healer

Gameplay tips

Main problem of this team is Rem needing to hit targets to heal. Commander may need to manipulate rapture spawns in some stages. Otherwise, relatively simple to play and should be strong in medium CP deficits.

Skill Investments / Medium Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: A2 7/7/7 -> Rem 7/5/5 -> Laplace 5/7/7 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 7/5/7
  • Late Game: A2 10/10/10 -> Rem 10/7/7 -> Laplace 5/10/10 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 10/5/10

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Generalist Team (Campaign + Bosses)

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3

Burst 3


A2 demands a healer in her team, no question about it. If the player does not have the above options, just simply follow the “guide-line” when making her team

  • Healer (Non-Negotiable) – Ex: Pepper, Summer Mary, Alice: Wonderland Bunny, Rapunzel
  • Single Target Dealer – Ex: Guillotine,Maxwell,Alice,Ludmilla: Winter Owner, and Laplace (with treasure) are solid choices.
  • Cool Down Reduction

Shotgun Team

Shotgun team are rather good against bosses, however it is a team archetype that requires a lot of investment due to how the kits work. Fortunately, Shotgun teams require no pilgrims and all Nikkes can be wish-listed.

Shotgun teams suck in Campaign, but having the full shotgun team archetype can collectively make them suck less. Not recommended if the Commander has teams listed above, but is generally better than most mix and match teams that don’t have top tier DPS’s

A generalist team won’t be recommended as the team quickly falls apart without specific Nikkes. Best to use another team instead.

Tove Shotgun Team

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3
Soda: Twinkling Bunny

Burst 3
Privaty: Unkind maid

Noir,Alice: Wonderland bunny

Summary, 4~/10 for Campaign Clearing, 7/10 for Boss Battles, Easy to use

Relatively easy team, The only issue is actually hitting raptures at far range. Shotguns are notorious for not hitting ANYTHING at mid-far range. Luckily, the shotgun Nikkes here have enough self hit rate buffs to hit raptures at mid-range. Leaving the flex slot for Nikkes that can handle far ranged Raptures.

  • Performance heavily depends on rapture spawns (Close-Far range)
  • “Cheap” To use, doesn’t require pilgrims to do “okay”
  • Doesn’t Need CDR due to Soda’s full burst extension
  • Good against boss battles
  • A lot of big boobs. (Mostly)

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke


  • Tove – ATK buffs, ATK SPD buffs, Gacha Machine

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Soda: Twinkling Bunny – Full burst extender, wave clear, DPS
  • Privaty: Unkind Maid – DPS, wave clear Burst

Offensive Supports (B2’s)

  • Leona – Offensive Buffs



  • Liter, Volume – If Soda: Twinkling Bunny is not present in the team.

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Maiden – Wave clear burst
  • Drake – AoE Burst, some offensive buffs
  • Sugar – DPS
  • Any other Shotgun Nikkes

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • Guilty – Not really a support, but she is B2, use if Leona is not Available
  • Viper

Flex Slots

Situational Units, slot in depending on content/Nikke Availability.

  • Noir – More hit rate, Ammo Refill
  • Alice: Wonderland Bunny – More consistent stacks for Tove
  • Modernia,Scarlet,Redhood,Alice – DPS’s that can take care of long ranged Raptures

Gameplay tips

Not much to say here except pray that the pellets hit targets. Tove’s burst skill snapshots (Buff % will persist even if stacks drop), preferably the Commander wants to burst when Tove has 3 stacks of her skill 1, but more often than not, that would be impossible in Campaign Mode, however in boss battles, this is more feasible.

Skill Investments / Heavy Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: Tove 6/6/7 -> Leona 7/7/7 -> Soda: Twinkling Bunny 7/7/7 -> Privaty: Unkind Maid 7/7/5 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide)
  • Late Game: Tove 9/6/10 -> Leona 7/7/7 -> Soda: Twinkling Bunny 10/10/10 -> Privaty: Unkind Maid 10/10/7 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide)

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Red Hood Core Teams (Meta Late Game Pushing)

Red hood is rather Unique as she can fit the role of all burst slots, making her rather versatile. However she’s more often than not, going to be used as the main DPS of the team. Red Hood team variants usually have the lowest CP clears as of right now.

DPS Playstyle

Refer to General team meta section at the start, pretty much the same team comp mentioned there.

Buffer Playstyle (Campaign Only)

Burst 1
Red hood

Burst 2

Burst 3

Burst 3

Summary, 10/10 for Campaign Pushing, Hard to Use, extremely strong against Fire weak Content

Very strong team, and can be used in almost all stages if played right. Red hoods burst 1 buff is simply too powerful. Requires a Max invested Alice with good overload rolls (at least 3x Max ammo), as Alice is the next strongest Single target DPS next to Red hood.

  • Red hood will NOT be able to burst, we are strictly using her as a buffer
  • Commander needs to finish the waves before the final target in two bursts, which is possible in almost all stages
  • Commander needs to wait off cooldown before last wave due to 40s CD. This is done by leaving one harmless Rapture.

This playstyle needs hyper invested DPS’s as the main focus of this team is to finish the stage in under 3 full bursts. Any more than that, the timer runs out.

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • None

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Alice – Single target damage, Burst generator, Wave clear
  • Modernia – Off-burst Damage, Oppressive wave clear

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • Red hood – Massive 10s team ATK buff on her burst 1
  • Crown – Multitude of offensive buffs, burst B2 as of now


Cool Down Reduction (Literless)

  • None

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • None

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • Tia – Discount Crown

Notes: Refer to General Meta Team for other team ideas, this team is strict for that “10/10” campaign score.

Gameplay tips


Simply follow this rotation when using this team:

Red hood > Crown > Modernia (1st full burst, Interchangeable)
Red hood > Crown > Alice (2nd full burst, Interchangeable)
Leave 1 Fodder Rapture alive and wait until all cooldowns are refreshed
Destroy fodder rapture and enter boss wave.
Red hood > Crown > Alice, Full focus on Boss

Crown Tech

Crown wants healing to proc all her buffs, luckily Naga can do this. If all members are max HP, healers will heal the leftmost spot. Put Crown at the most leftmost spot to more consistently proc her buffs

Team Compositions | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (5)

Crown also has an Immunity to damage built in her kit. Crown can gain Skill 2 stacks outside battle prior to final wave by shooting at the air, can proc her skill 2 for a 5 second taunt and immunity, granting much more needed DPS time for the team to burst down boss.

Skill Investments / Heavy Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: Red Hood x/7/x -> Alice 7/x/7 -> Modernia 7/5/5 -> Crown 7/7/7 -> Naga 7/5/5
  • Mid Game: Red Hood x/10/x -> Alice 10/x/10 -> Modernia 10/7/7 -> Crown 10/10/10 -> Naga 10/7/5

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Crown + Triple DPS (Generalist Team)

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3
Red Hood

Burst 3


Since Crown a very strong solo buffer, 3 DPS’s can be used in a team instead of the forced 2 DPS teams found in Duo teams (Blanc/Noir, Naga/Tia). Not really an exclusive Red hood team, but making a Crown section would be awkward as she fits in every team. Simply use your best DPS’s, preferably one of the chosen DPS’s can Burst Hold. Preferably Snow White or Maxwell

Scarlet: Black Shadow Core team (Wind Weak Content)

Extremely strong Nikke in low Deficit clears. However falls off on high deficit stages. This can be mitigated by shoving an immense amount of elemental damage rolls on Scarlet:Black Shadow via overloaded gear

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3

Burst 3
Scarlet: Black Shadow


Summary, 7.5+/10 for Campaign Clearing, Hurts to Use, Preferably used in Wind Weak Content

Scarlet:Black Shadow will heavily depend on how strong her elemental advantage % values are in late game/high CP deficits. Alice greatly buffs her charge speed and is heavily preferred to have her in the team

  • Insane Low CP clearing power
  • Limits are decided by her elemental damage advantage (if applicable)
  • Alice needs to be manually played (Finger pain)
  • Ceiling is immediately apparent if mobs get too tanky

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • Liter – Cool down Reduction, ATK buff, cover repair, Other Offensive Buffs

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Alice (High Investment, Manual Play Heavy) – Single Target Damage, wave clear
  • Scarlet: Black Shadow – AoE clear, Distributed Damage

Offensive Supports (B2’s)

  • Crown – Multitude of Offensive buffs, Best in slot B2 in almost every team


Cool Down Reduction (Literless)

  • Volume, Dorothy, D: Killer Wife

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Red Hood

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • Elegg – Only buffs Scarlet: Black Shadow, leaving Alice mostly unbuffed

Flex Slots

Situational Units, slot in depending on content/Nikke Availability.

  • Naga – Buffs Alice’s Personal damage greatly
  • Modernia – off-burst DPS
  • Scarlet – off-burst DPS

Gameplay tips

Simply Manual Alice. Scarlet: Black Shadow’s DPS per target gets reduced the more Raptures there are in screen. So it is recommended to clear as much trash mobs with Alice

Skill Investments / Heavy Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: Scarlet: Black Shadow 7/5/7 -> Alice 7/x/7 -> Crown 7/7/7 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 7/5/7
  • Mid Game: Scarlet: Black Shadow 10/7/10 -> Alice 10/x/10 -> Crown 10/10/10 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 10/5/10

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Emilia Core Team (Water Weak Content + Limited Nikke)

Emilia is a limited Nikke, but has great potential in Water Weak content. She also does not need a healer like A2 does.

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3

Burst 3
Laplace,Ludmilla: Winter owner


Summary, 7.5+/10 for Campaign Clearing, Easy to use, Preferably used in Water Weak Content

Emilia can quickly wipe out most Raptures on screen depending on her elemental damage % from overloaded gear. She would just need a strong ST Nikke to be paired with to clear the elites and bosses

  • Great Low CP clear power
  • Multiple Limited Nikke
  • Ceiling is dependent on Elemental % Values due to being an “elemental” team

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • Liter – Cool down Reduction, ATK buff, cover repair, Other Offensive Buffs

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Emilia – Consistent AoE Clear
  • Ludmilla: Winter Owner – Single Target DPS

Offensive Supports (B2’s)

  • Crown – Multitude of Offensive buffs, Best in slot B2 in almost every team


Cool Down Reduction (Literless)

  • Volume, Dorothy, D: Killer Wife

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Laplace (With Treasure) – Comparable to Emilia with her Treasure, Strong ST burst
  • Alice,Red hood – ST DPS

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • Rem – Used if there’s no Crown available and if there’s multiple RL’s in the team.

Flex Slots

Situational Units, slot in depending on content/Nikke Availability.

  • Naga – Buffs Ludmilla: Winter Owner’s Damage when paired with Crown
  • Modernia – off-burst DPS
  • Scarlet – off-burst DPS

Gameplay tips

Very simple team. Can be left on full auto for the most part and won’t be punished for doing so unless using Redhood / Alice. Can Burst Hold Emilia for extra final wave damage

Skill Investments / Medium Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: Emilia 5/7/5 -> Crown 7/7/7 -> Ludmilla: Winter Owner 7/5/7 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 7/5/7
  • Mid Game: Emilia 7/10/7 -> Crown 10/10/10 -> Ludmilla: Winter Owner 10/7/10 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 10/5/10

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Scarlet Core Team (Electric Weak Content + Limited Nikke)

Used for Electric Weak content, there are not much strong options as of now for the electric element.

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3
Anis: Sparkling Summer

Burst 3


Summary, 6.5+/10 for Campaign Clearing, Easy to use, Preferably used in Electric Weak Content

Anis: Sparkling Summer can dish out really good damage, especially when building a team around her. Her passives can deal big damage to elites and final rapture targets if her skill targets them.

  • Decent Screen Clear
  • Instant Reload

Roles and Replacements

Main Nikke

Cool Down Reduction

  • Volume- Cool down Reduction

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Anis: Sparkling Summer – Decent mob clear, ST damage
  • Scarlet – Wave clear burst, DPS

Offensive Supports (B2’s)

  • Crown – Multitude of Offensive buffs, Best in slot B2 in almost every team


Cool Down Reduction

  • Dorothy, D: Killer Wife,Liter

DPS’s (B3’s)

  • Guillotine

Offensive Supports (B1/B2)

  • Tia/Naga – If Crown is not Available, replaces Privaty as well
  • Blanc/Noir – If Crown is not Available, replaces Privaty as well

Gameplay tips

Simple team. Can be left on auto if needed.

Skill Investments / Medium Investment

Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.

  • Mid Game: Anis: Sparkling Summer 7/7/5 -> Crown 7/7/7 -> Scarlet 7/5/7 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 7/5/7
  • Mid Game: Anis: Sparkling Summer 10/10/9 -> Crown 10/10/10 -> Scarlet 10/5/10 -> Flex x/x/x (Skill Priority Guide) -> Liter 10/5/10

Upgrade Skills as recommended in Skill Priority guide after if wanted/needed.

Off-Meta Teams (In-Progress)

Team here are not really Meta, and are mostly used due to incomplete boxes. Teams here will not be explained in heavy detail (for now).

Ancient Meta

What used to be the meta in day 1, still is usable, but the age has clearly shown

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3

Burst 3


2B Carry

Distributed damage really shows its limits, especially with 2B.

Burst 1

Burst 2

Burst 3

Burst 3


Team Compositions | Nikke: Goddess of Victory (2024)


What is the best team in Nikke Tetra? ›

Tetra: Volume/Blanc/Alice/Sugar/Noir is easily the best team combo. Pilgrim: Dorothy + Nilhilister + Scarlet + RH + Modernia is the best DPS team. Can put Rapunzel in as 2nd B1 instead of a B3 if needing heals.

How to build a nikke team? ›

The most important element that will affect how you build your teams in NIKKE is the Burst Type of your characters. As you are killing enemies in the battle, the Burst Meter slowly builds up and once it fills fully, you are able to use the most powerful ability your characters have - Burst Skill.

Who is the goddess team in Nikke? ›

The Goddess squad consists of Dorothy, Lilith, Rapunzel, Red Hood, Scarlet, and Snow White.

What elements are in Goddess of Victory? ›

Every Nikke and Rapture is assigned one of five elements (Fire, Wind, Iron, Electric, Water), and will deal additional damage if/when attacking an opponent's weakness.

What is the best setup for Tetra? ›

Housing Requirements for Tetras

Most tetras can be kept in aquariums of 10 to 20 gallons, but larger tanks are easier to take care of and give them more room to swim. They do best in schools of 6 or more and will be less stressed and show their best colors in a well-decorated aquarium.

Who is the strongest Nikke? ›

At the very top of the NIKKE tier list, we have Scarlet and Liter, two of the most powerful characters currently available for PvE. While Scarlet is a top unit, she's also a rather high-risk-high-reward type of unit, since you need to have lower HP in order to deal more damage.

Does order matter in Nikke? ›

The numbers beside each Nikke represents what order that is recommended to overload them, to better clarify which Nikkes to overload first. 1 being most priority.

What does 1 2 and 3 mean in Nikke? ›

The most important mechanic of Nikke combat is burst. Units are categorized into three burst types: burst 1 (B1), burst 2 (B2), and burst 3 (B3). Every time a unit lands a hit, they generate burst gauge. It is important to note that this is per hit, so AoE hits can generate more burst gauge per round.

How much did Nikke game earn? ›

While Steller Blade has sold over a million copies since it launched, Shift Up's success post IPO is largely based on the massive popularity of Goddess of Victory: Nikke, which continutes to be a huge hit for the South Korean company generating more than 750 million in revenue.

Is there pity in Nikke Goddess of Victory? ›

Goddess of Victory: Nikke has a pity system different from the traditional pity system that exists in the gacha games. Instead of having a pity system where players have to face various odds to obtain a character. Nikke has a spark system that completely overrides this method.

Why is Goddess of Victory: Nikke so popular? ›

Nikke's success can be broken down into four factors: Very strong marketing creative potential due to its graphic nature and enticing-looking core gameplay. Westernized themes and dialogues (while preserving the Eastern aesthetic) with interesting, unique characters.

Who is the traitor in Nikke? ›

Indivilia is a member of the Heretics, traitor Nikkes who sold out mankind and serve the Rapture Queen. She is one of the many known Heretics alongside Modernia, Nihilister, Liberalio, Anachiro and many more. She has taken the form of a scorpion.

What is Nike named after? ›

The company takes its name from Nike, the Greek goddess of victory.

What does Nike mean? ›

Meaning of Nike in English

The company Nike is named after the Greek goddess of victory. On the back of the medal, Nike holds a small victory leaf.

How was Nike goddess born? ›

In Greek mythology Nike, the personification of victory, has two possible origin stories. According to Hesiod's Theogony, "Styx, daughter of Oceanus, in union with Pallas, bore... trim-ankled Victory [Nike]..." as well as her siblings Zelus (Zeal or Aspiration), Kratos (Strength), and Bia (Power).

What is the best Tetra to breed? ›

Pristella Tetra (Pristella maxillaris) – Easily one of the best tetras for breeding, the pristella tetra is also known as the x-ray fish because its body is transparent but it still has colored fins. This tetra is very hardy and easy to keep, though should be kept with schools of 6 or more.

Who is the best SSR character in Nikke? ›

Let's take a look at some of the NIKKE's in this tier:
  • Drake – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Guillotine – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Alice – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Snow White – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Privaty – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Yuni – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Volume – SSR Grade NIKKE.
  • Emma – SSR Grade NIKKE.
Jan 19, 2024

What is the best taunt in Nikke? ›

Tier Ratings. Thanks to her taunt on charge attack with high uptime and self-healing, Noise is one of the best taunters in the game.

What is the best trio in Brawl ball? ›

Best Teams in Brawl Ball
#TeamWins Recorded
1Clancy, Dynamike, Mortis23k
2Dynamike, Mortis, Rico21k
3Dynamike, Frank, Mortis18k
4Colt, Dynamike, Mortis18k
6 more rows


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.